Club Events
The club organizes a series of Club Time Trials on Tuesday evenings throughout the racing season. These take place in and around the club’s base in Ampthill, Bedfordshire. Unlike open time trials, you do not need to be a member of an affiliated club to “Come and Try” a club event. In fact we welcome visitors. For the visitor, you can try your hand at a properly organised event to see how you on without the expense of being a signed up member. Events alternate between the 12 mile hilly circuit and the faster 10 mile course on the B530. There are no other events. Entry on-the-line is £3.50 with a discount for Juniors, who must have a parental consent form signed. All visitors are covered by the club’s insurance. All courses have been properly risk assessed according to CTT rules. Prizes and trophies are awarded for club events on an age category and handicap points basis.
Interclub Series
The 5 cycling clubs of Bedfordshire Road CC, Hitchin Nomads CC, CC Ashwell, St Neots CC and Icknield RC hold a joint series of “interclub events” which they promote each year as a competition between its constituent members representing their respective club. This series of 5, ending with the Hill Climb in October has been well supported in the past and won by the Icknield RC. Currently we need more members to support these events : points are awarded for position and there is a trophy awarded for the club member with the most points. Go here for the calendar of interclub events. These take place on local roads in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
Open Events
For the newcomer to time trialling, once you have ridden a few club events, you may wish to progress to more competitive levels against cyclists from other clubs. The sport of time trialling is governed by the CTT (Cycling Time Trials) and to compete in an “open event” a competitor needs to be a member of a club affiliated to the CTT. The Icknield Road Club is affiliated to the CTT which provides the appropriate insurances. You do not need to become a member of the CTT if you are in an affiliated club. There are about 2000 open events in the calendar year and these are advertised in the CTT Handbook, which is available from the CTT. The club keeps a copy in the clubroom, or handbooks can be ordered through the club for a discount at the beginning of the season. Entry to events must be on the official CTT entry form. Although open time trials are run under the auspices of the CTT and advertised in their handbook, it is the individual affiliated clubs that run and organise these events. The club promotes 2 open time trial events under CTT rules each year. For the calendar of Club open time trial events go here.